You've finally found a protein powder you love. Great!

Now what? 

Do you drink it before your workout? Is it better to drink it after your workout? Do you drink it before bed? 

That answer more or less depends on you and your goals. 
Losing Weight

Protein is one of the most critical nutrients for fat loss because it can help speed up your metabolism while reducing your appetite. 

So that means consuming a protein-heavy snack in between meals may help you eat less when you sit down for a meal. As the adage goes, "Calories in, calories out." The fewer calories you eat, the more likely you are to lose weight. 

Don't believe us? Well, the proof is in the pudding --- or yogurt. Because one study found that people who eat high-protein yogurt as a mid-afternoon snack ate, on average, 100 fewer calories at dinner, they compared this to people who opted for chocolate or crackers as a mid-afternoon snack. All three, the yogurt, chocolate, and crackers, had the same amount of calories, but the high-protein yogurt snackers were the only ones to eat less, later on, thanks to the protein content. 

Therefore, if weight loss is your goal, having a protein shake as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack might help you reach your goals faster.
Building Muscle

If protein plays a vital role in weight loss, it plays an even more prominent role in building muscle. 

Much like “calories in, calories out" for losing weight, when it comes to building muscle, it's all about "protein in, protein in." What we mean by that is, to build muscle and strength, you have to consume more protein than your body will break down during resistance or weight training. 

So when do you consume protein for muscle building? That's a hot topic, and it all depends on who you ask. 

Once upon a time (and still today, really), it was believed that you had to consume protein within an hour after your workout. This hour is known as the "anabolic window," believed to be the ideal time for when your body will optimize nutrients like protein the best. 

But according to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, consuming protein anytime up to two hours after a workout is ideal for building muscle mass. 

On the flip side, if you aim to avoid muscle loss, you should aim to eat upward of 30 grams of protein per meal. So if you have a meal where you might consume less protein, such as breakfast, consider drinking a protein shake with your meal to ensure you take in enough protein to avoid muscle loss. 
Can I Take Protein Before Bed?

You might have heard that having a high-protein snack before bed can be beneficial. 

If muscle building, preventing muscle loss, and/or gaining strength are goals of yours, then you might benefit from protein before bed. 

Protein consumed before going to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed, which in turn increases the availability of protein to muscles during the night. 

According to a recent study, consuming around 40 grams of protein before bed will help maximize muscle growth and adaptation throughout the night. 

Consuming protein before bed can be especially beneficial to the elderly who are looking to preserve muscle.
It's All Up To You --- And Your Goals

So what's the final answer to "When do I take my protein?" There isn't one, because it all depends on you and your goals.

The main takeaway to remember is that protein is a highly versatile nutrient. You can use it as a midday snack to help with weight loss, post-workout, and before bed to help with muscle building and prevent muscle loss. 

For most people, the focus should not be on when you take your protein but how much because most of us aren't even hitting our daily protein goals. 

So start with making sure you're hitting your protein intake daily and go from there, based on what your goals are.
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