Your Holiday Survival Guide

It’s November and like it or not, that means the Holiday Season is upon us. 

From Halloween to New Years Day, you’re going to be pummeled with a lot of good food. We mean, A LOT. 

There’s a reason why the last three months of the year are the slowest in the fitness industry. No one is thinking about gyms and protein shakes. Nope, they are wanting pies, cakes, cheeses, and other deliciousness. 

But if you’ve been working hard all year on your goals, there’s no need to get completely derailed by all the celebration and feasting of the Holiday Season. 

That’s why we’ve compiled our little Holiday Survival Guide with our five favorite tips, so you, and your hard work, can enjoy the season.
Tip #1: Don’t Stress

Ok, so saying don’t stress during the holiday season might seem like a waste of time, but hear us out. 

Yes, you will get stressed, it happens. But putting in place ways to help reduce that stress now will pay off in the long run. Start meditating, make sure you have a regular workout routine (even if it’s at home), make sure you’re getting fresh air, and most importantly, take time away from your phone and technology. 

Stress is a goal killer during the holidays because what often happens when we are stressed is we eat. Suddenly, before you realize it, you’ve eaten the entire pecan pie and feel even worse. 

So get in the habit now of learning ways to keep yourself less stressed. Your mind, body, and goals will thank you for it. 
Tip #2: Eat Slowly 

It’s time to learn how to savor and appreciate. 

Eating slower is a guaranteed way to consume fewer calories. Take time to taste your food, enjoy the conversations, and set your fork down between each bite. Doing so gives your body time to realize when it’s full, which helps prevent you from overeating
Tip #3: Be Aware of Liquid Calories

During the holiday season, it’s real easy to drink your entire daily calorie intake. Alcohol, eggnog, lattes, and the like thereof are all delicious when you’re drinking them, but not when you realize how much sugar and calories you just consumed. 

Let’s give you an example. A cup --- 8 ounces --- of eggnog has, on average, around 350 calories, 20 grams of fat (most of which is saturated fat), and 22 grams of sugar! Whoa. That’s a lot. And you know what? Most people don’t drink just 8 ounces of anything. 

So it’s best to stay aware of your intake and avoid overdoing it on the holiday liquid delights.  
Tip #4: Make Sure You’re Still Working Out 

Making sure you still workout seems obvious, we know. 

And yet, people still stop working out during the holiday season for one reason or another. They are either “too busy” or “can’t find time,” or they feel it’s their deserved rest. But by not finding time to work out, even in a small way, you’re putting your goals in reverse. 

Plus, working out does wonders for your brain during such a busy time (remember Tip #1: Don’t Stress?). So not only does getting a workout in during the holiday season help you stay on point with your goals, it also helps keep your brain healthy and your stress levels down. 

There are just so many reasons to keep up with your workouts, so make it a priority. 
Tip #5: Take the Stairs & Walk Across The Parking Lot 

The holiday season is also when we spend a lot of time shopping. The good news is, you can turn that shopping into a way of supporting your health and fitness goals real easily. 

How? Skip the escalator or elevator and take the stairs. By doing so, you’ll be burning extra calories. 

Also, instead of wasting time and gas looking for a parking spot closer to the store, park toward the back and walk. Once again, that extra bit of walking adds up to extra calories burned.

We say, look for any and every opportunity to get those steps in this holiday season! 

Healthier, Happier, Holidays 

These are just five tips to helping get through the holidays with your health and fitness goals still intact. There are plenty more tips out there, but we have found that these are the most successful for us when it comes to surviving the holiday season.

With all that said, the vital thing to remember is don’t overthink it all; it’s the holiday season, you’re supposed to enjoy it! So just focus on h
aving a healthier, happier holiday, and you’ll be just fine.

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